Symposium Co-Chairs

  • Sandro Etalle, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Lalitha Sankar, Arizona State University, USA

Scope and Motivation

The emerging Smart Grid vision is of an interconnected power distribution network that streamlines transmission, distribution, monitoring, and control of electricity. This vision is being realized through the design and implementation of an information network overlaying the traditional power grid. Robust, resilient  and secure communications and information management are essential to all aspects of the Smart Grid. Critical applications include collection of data from millions of endpoints such as smart meters and distribution automation devices; data aggregation and analysis; SCADA communications; substation networking; phasor measurement unit data delivery, concentration, and analysis; cloud-based load aggregation, demand response and other managed services; enterprise and operations support systems such as outage management, etc. Cybersecurity vulnerabilities might allow an attacker to penetrate a network, gain access to control software, and directly or indirectly destabilize the grid in a variety of ways. Cybersecurity for the Smart Grid must address means of prevention to reduce the risk of threats and vulnerabilities; detection to identify anomalous behavior and intrusions; response to initiate immediate actions to mitigate effects of an incident; and recovery to rapidly restore operations and services following an attack. The nature of threats and vulnerabilities are constantly changing, so application of best current practices for cybersecurity is necessary but not sufficient – ongoing research and development of new cybersecurity technologies and methods is essential.
The information-intensive nature of the Smart Grid introduces new privacy considerations as well. Consumers are concerned about loss of control and the potential for misuse of information that can be inferred from data collected about their energy usage. Businesses may similarly be concerned about leakage of valuable business and competitive information that can be inferred from energy usage. The communications and data management infrastructure supporting the Smart Grid must support privacy requirements to address these concerns.

Topics of Particular Interest

The symposium aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of security and privacy to present and discuss the knotty issues involved in smart grid security. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Secure and resilient cyber-physical and communication architectures
  • Security risk assessment, measurement and management
  • Models of smart grid security
  • Tamper-resistant device technologies
  • Cryptography, key management, authorization and access control
  • False data injection, detection and mitigation
  • Privacy preservation and inference
  • Cyber and Cross-Domain (power to cyber) security event detection, analysis and response
  • DoS/DDoS resilience
  • Cloud security
  • SCADA and legacy system security
  • Security design and verification tools